Not selfishly but shamelessly.

"It is not so much knowledge that we need, but rather inspiration to feel again the breath of the spirit, the flow of Grace, the power of the Holy Spirit, the presence of the living God.

It is not merely concepts and more ‘how to do’ instructions, but to be stimulated again into real life."

"Ask and ye shall receive"

It is easier to misunderstand someone and put him/her into a box of judgment or blame, than to risk to be open, gentle and loving. 

It can be tempting to run away into life-long habits, instead of debunking the "me" as merely a belief (10% faulty thinking and 90% muscle-memory).

Mind, your own business

Suffering is simply a misunderstanding... but who has the humility and bravery to see the me-chanism that creates and perpetuates the unhappiness we call normal?

I am not interested in empty philosophy, but some self-directed thinking is needed to dis-cover and embrace what the unanchored mind longs for and unknowingly rejects.